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You are here: Homepage > Our services > Free training > RefWorks

Is good referencing important? Can it be made and easier and can some of the pain be taken out of the process?

In this 45 minute session we will introduce you to RefWorks, an online automatic referencing system. This is a fully 'hands on' session in which you will take part in a series of simple tasks to make sure that you are familiar with the functions of RefWorks.

Course objectives

During the session you will:
- Log in to RefWorks
- Create your own account
- Create and use a new RefWorks folder
- Add a reference manually
- Import some references from a file
- Create a bibliography automatically
- Use the 'Write-N-Cite' plug in to automatically create references and bibliographies in Microsoft Word.
Computer mouse

Teaching materials
This is a fully practical workshop so no handouts are given, but further help is available from the library, or online, following the session.

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